NEHAWU Welcomes The Disciplinary Outcome Against SASSA Eastern Cape Reginal Executive Manager - Bandile Maqethuka
Wednesday August 23, 2023
The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union [NEHAWU] welcomes the outcome of the South African Social Security Agency [SASSA] disciplinary hearing against Mr. Bandile Maqethuka, Regional Executive Manager of SASSA Eastern Cape on charges of Sexual Harassment and Abuse of Power.
In 2021, the union called on SASSA to institute a disciplinary action against the Regional Manager following a complaint of Sexual Harassment from our member. We further called on SASSA CEO to place the Executive Manager on precautionary suspension pending on the investigation and disciplinary processes.
Indeed, the outcomes of the disciplinary hearing validates our call for disciplinary action against him. The Regional Manager has been found guilty in terms of the charges relating to Sexual Harassment and Abuse of Power.
We welcome the ruling that the Regional Manager must be relieved off his duties by SASSA. As NEHAWU, we believe that this sanction of dismal is appropriate more especially of the serious nature of the charges, Sexual Harassment and Abuse of Power.
In a country that is currently ravaged by Gender Based Violence and Femicide, we must never allow under our watch such acts of Sexual Harassment to go unpunished, more especially when women are in a constant struggle against power-relations that continues to be perpetuated by patriarchy, when women continue to be confronted by the scourge of gender based violence, femicide, rape, and violence.
As NEHAWU, we believe this ruling sends a clear message that Abuse of Power and Sexual Harassment and victimisation of women shall not be tolerated in our society and should be frowned upon.
Lastly, we call on SASSA to ensure that the ruling is implemented with immediate effect and provide necessary support to the victim. Furthermore, we call on SASSA to provide a safe conducive working environment for our members and workers.

Issued by NEHAWU Western Cape Secretariat
Zola Saphetha (General Secretary) at 082 558 5968;
December Mavuso (Deputy General Secretary) at 082 558 5969;
Lwazi Nkolonzi (NEHAWU National Spokesperson) at 081 558 2335 or email: